Schengen Visa if granted confers upon non-Schengen country citizens an unrestricted freedom to travel to and through the Schengen area. This arrangement is part of treaty organization that has been planned as symbol of unified Europe. The agreement was ratified by 5 of 10 member states of European Economic Community organization near Schengen in Luxembourg in 1985 and was complimented by a convention to apply the agreement in 1990. These provisions were finally enforced in 1995.
This arrangement paved way for extending unrestricted travel permission through the demarked Schengen area to nationals of Schengen states and traveling foreign citizens. The provisions adopted included negligible or no border monitoring at all.
The basic element of the laws of this treaty is promoting idea of Schengen states as being part of one nation which permits the travelers to traverse through the length and breadth of the continent in a similar way as one would travel through states of a country.
This treaty was conceptualized and integrated into the mainstream European Union laws and statutes through treaty of Amsterdam in 1997. Currently there are 26 ratifying member states in this arrangement